LCANZI Newsletter - September 2021

Annual General Meeting

The AGM for LCANZI was held at 1pm on Monday 9 August 2021 via Zoom. Thank you to all who attended. The new LCANZI committee is:

·       President: Jenny Cooper QC

·       Treasurer: James Every-Palmer QC

·       Secretary: Sophie Meares

·       Carol Weaver

·       Duncan Ballinger

·       Lloyd Kavanagh

·       Tania Te Whenua

·       Michael Sharp

·       Zoe Brentnall

·       Cassandra Kenworthy

 Debra Dorrington has kindly agreed to continue in the role of Pro Bono Coordinator. We are enormously grateful to all current and former committee members and pro bono coordinators for their outstanding contributions. We particularly thank our founding committee members who stepped down before the AGM: Stephen Mills QC and Bronwyn Carruthers, and welcome our new committee members, Zoe Brentnall and Cassandra Kenworthy.

Fundraising for Administrator successful!

 Thank you to all the generous members and associate members who donated a total of $15,000 to match our private donor’s donations. We have used the money raised to hire an executive administrator, Alexandra Finlay, who is now working part-time to help to co-ordinate our projects. This has freed up time for the committee members to take more action.

 We will continue to fundraise so that we can continue to meet this cost in the future and to meet litigation and other expenses, so if you have not already donated, please consider doing so.  Donations can now be made tax deductible by donating via the Gift Trust and the Carbon Critical Fund.  For details please see our website.

 Judicial review of the Climate Change Commission

 As stated in the previous newsletter, LCANZI filed a judicial review of the final advice of the Climate Commission. You can view our press release and statement of claim here.

 We are currently finalising our evidence, which is due to be filed on 24 September. The application is scheduled to be heard in the High Court in Wellington on 28 February to 3 March.

 We will continue to keep you updated on the progress of this claim.

All Aboard Aotearoa judicial review of the Auckland Regional Land Transport Plan

 LCANZI is a member of All Aboard Aotearoa who filed proceedings against Auckland Transport and Auckland Council in relation to a recently adopted RLTP that failed to provide for any meaningful reduction in carbon emissions. For more information see this article written by Zoe Brentnall and Bevan Woodward.

 The statements of defence have been filed in this proceeding but there is no hearing date yet. We will keep you updated on the progress of this claim.

 Requests for Volunteers

We have had suggestions for a number of new sub-committees and are looking for volunteers to join these committees.  The work involved will include developing and implementing strategies to influence climate-positive change in these areas, helping with research, drafting submissions etc:

·       Te Tiriti and Tikanga sub-committee

·       Directors’ duties and corporate governance sub-committee

·       NZBORA amendment sub-committee

·       Greenwashing sub-committee

·       Agricultural/food supply sub-committee

If you have any questions about these sub-committees or are interested in joining any of them please email

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer for future projects and sub-committees please fill out this form. This will let us know what your expertise is so that we can contact you when a relevant project or sub-committee is formed.

If you are interested in doing pro bono work for third parties please fill out this form

Note: if you have already filled out these forms then we have your details on file and you do not need to complete the form again.

 Climate Action Tracker New Zealand

 A report released on September 15 2021 rated New Zealand’s overall emissions reduction efforts as highly insufficient. This rating of New Zealand highlights the importance of LCANZI’s work (which was relied on as one of the sources for the report). See the full report here

World Lawyers Climate Pledge

 The World Lawyers Climate Pledge is a new initiative in which concerned members of the legal community are committing themselves to take action against climate change. The pledge includes promises such as integrating climate considerations throughout our legal work and pursuing or supporting strategic climate litigation which is very much in line with our purpose at LCANZI. Please check out the full World Lawyers Climate Pledge here

 NZLS DLA Piper Climate Risk Seminar

 The New Zealand Law Society and DLA Piper presented a seminar on 3 August 2021. The seminar addresses climate risk litigation alongside environmental, social and governance initiatives. The panel included Misha Henaghan (DLA Piper), Rhys Davies (DLA Piper), Mike Burrell (NZSBC), Lucie Drummond (Mercury), and Kate van Praagh (Westpac). The seminar is up on our website in the webinars page, you can also view it here

Ngā mihi maioha for your support and we will update you again soon.

Kia pai tō rā whakatā! 

LCANZI Committee


LCANZI Newsletter - October 2021


LCANZI Member update 3 August 2021