LCANZI Newsletter - October 2021

Kia ora koutou

We hope this email finds you well and you are still managing the ongoing lockdowns and restrictions. Please find our October newsletter below.

Government Emissions Reduction Plan

On Wednesday 13 October the Government release their Emissions Reduction Plan (ERP) discussion document. It is LCANZI’s view that the ERP proposes only modest emissions reductions that fall far short of New Zealand’s obligations under the Paris Agreement and is lacking in specifics about how some of those emissions reductions will actually be achieved. Read our full press release here.

LCANZI will be making a submission on the ERP, email if you would like to be involved. We also encourage you to have your say here, submissions are open until November 24.

Having your say is especially important in light of the deadline for setting budgets under the Climate Change Response Act (CCRA) being pushed back to May 2022. We also understand that the new NDC will not be announced before COP26 at the end of this year. New Zealand is in danger of falling further behind the rest of the world in our climate response.

Sub-committee Volunteer Request

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The UN rights council has declared that access to a healthy environment is a human right and have called countries to work together to implement this right. You can read more about this decision here. This recognition aligns with our call for the right to a sustainable environment to be explicitly recognised in the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act.

If you are interested in volunteering for our NZBORA sub-committee please email us at

We are also looking for more volunteers for our Director’s Duties sub-committee. One project they are looking into is preparing a submission on the Companies (Director’s Duties) Amendment Bill which will clarify that when considering “the best interests of the company” directors may consider matters such as the principles of Te Tiriti, environmental impacts, good corporate ethics, being a good employer, and the interests of the wider community.

If you are interested in volunteering for our Director’s Duties sub-committee please also email

Another issue that has been raised with LCANZI is that the largest irrigation scheme in the South Island has been given a $90 million loan from Crown Entity, ACC. You can read more about this here. Our Agriculture/Food Supply sub-committee is reviewing this situation and will potentially start up a project.

Again, if you are interested in volunteering for our Agriculture/Food Supply sub-committee please email

Entrust Election

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If you live in Auckland (except the North Shore) please be aware that the Entrust Election is currently happening. Entrust is the majority shareholder of Vector and has an important role to play in supporting Auckland’s climate change mitigation and adaptation. Turnout is traditionally low, but this is an important election for climate action in Auckland so please look out for the voting pack, find out about the candidates and vote!

Read more about the candidates here.

Read more about the election here.

Read more about why it is important to vote in the Entrust election here.

The voter packs were sent out on October 14 and voting closes October 29.

Auckland Climate Festival 12 - 31 October 2021

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The Auckland Climate Festival is underway and LCANZI is supporting 2 of the 65 events! The festival is on until the end of the month and you can check out all of the events here.


Our President Jenny Cooper QC is the keynote speaker for this event and will be speaking on the need for leadership, why climate change must sit at the heart of our decisions, and the risks if it doesn’t. Jenny’s speech will be followed by a panel discussion exploring a range of perspectives on how Tāmaki Makaurau must change for an equitable low carbon future. You can register for this free, online event here.


We are also supporting an event being run by 2 LCANZI members; Nicole Xanthopol and Debra Dorrington, who are hosting the seminar. This webinar is an opportunity to examine how those of us who negotiate and draft documents can incorporate climate thinking into our advice. Nicole and Debra will examine the impact of climate change on the role of the modern trusted advisor. They will provide practical examples of climate thinking in everyday practice. You can register for this free, online event here.

Wao Summit Wanaka 26 - 31 october

The Wao Summit is a six-day event aimed at mainstreaming sustainability and fostering diversity there will be over 40 different kōrero, workshops, films and tours - all designed to help you, help the planet.

CLIMATE RISK & LIABILITY WORKSHOP 27/10/2021 1:00-2:30pm

Jenny Cooper QC will (remotely, due to COVID restrictions) run a Climate Risk & Liability Workshop at the Lake Wānaka Centre. The workshop will focus on the legal ramifications for businesses, local institutions and public bodies with respect to climate change legislation. The event is $25 and will be available online if it cannot be run in person due to COVID restrictions. You can see more about the event and buy tickets here.

Fiji Law Society virtual conference 22 - 23 October

Jenny Cooper QC and Committee Member Cassandra Kenworthy will be presenting at an event at the Fiji Law Society Virtual Conference.


The conference is $300(FJD) and if you would like to virtually attend the event you can email the Secretary of the Fiji Law Society at to get a registration form.

We will also post a recording of Jenny and Cassandra’s speech on our website after the event.


On 17 September 2021 LCANZI members James Every-Palmer QC, Emma Geard, Jeremy Bell-Connell and Ollie Belton made two submissions on the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS).

The first submission was on ‘designing a governance framework for the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme.’

The second submission was on ‘reforming industrial allocation in the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme.’

You can read these submissions in summary or in full here.

Fundraising for COP26

LCANZI has been asked for support through the Climate Action Network to help get an experienced delegation of Māori and Pasifika rangatahi to COP 26 in Glasgow. The group of four will be joining together with whanaunga from Turtle Island to champion climate justice, particularly in the Pacific as there will be low representation this year.

If you would like to support this kaupapa, donations can be made to Te Ara Whatu Inc 38-9015-0732117-00, reference your name/organisation and "COP26". Any questions can be sent to

Please note that while we are supportive of the group’s mahi, the group is not associated an LCANZI delegation or associated with us.

Ngā mihi maioha for your support and we will update you again soon.

Kia pai tō rā whakatā! 

LCANZI Committee


LCANZI Newsletter - November 2021


LCANZI Newsletter - September 2021