Letter to Nelson City Council regarding library proposal
On 23 August 2021 LCANZI wrote to the Nelson City Council on behalf of Zero Carbon Nelson Tasman expressing concerns about the legality of the Council’s recent decision to develop a new Library on a site near the Maitai River.
Climate advocacy groups sue Auckland Transport, Council over transport plan that fails to reduce emissions
A coalition of climate and transport advocacy groups has filed Court proceedings against Auckland Transport and Auckland Council in relation to a recently adopted land transport plan that fails to provide for any meaningful reduction in carbon emissions.
LCANZI supports Liberate the Lane!
LCANZI calls on all its members to join the Bike Auckland rally at 10am on Sunday to get Waka Kotahi (NZTA) to Liberate The Lane! on the Auckland Harbour Bridge.
LCANZI submission on Auckland Council’s draft Regional Land Transport Plan
On Sunday LCANZI made a submission on Auckland Council’s draft Regional Land Transport Plan (RTLP). LCANZI submits that the RLTP is unlawful. The law requires the RLTP to be “in the public interest”. The Council has made clear in its Climate Plan what this means: to halving greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, including by reducing transport emissions by 64% from 2016 levels. The draft RTLP does not achieve this. Instead, it provides for transport emissions to increase 6% by 2031, or at best reduce by 12% if the Government puts in place certain policies.