LCANZI Newsletter - March 2021

Kia ora koutou

Here is the latest news from LCANZI.  Happy reading…

Climate Change Commission

LCANZI has now submitted on the Climate Change Commission’s first draft report: click here to see our submission.

The main focus of our submission is on whether the Commission’s draft advice complies with the applicable legal frame. We have the following concerns:

  • In our view, the Commission’s draft advice does not comply with the legal requirements.  The main reason for this is that the advice is not consistent with what is required to keep global warming to less than 1.5° Celsius.  This is a fundamental error that must be fixed before the advice is finalised.  Failing this, the advice will be unlawful, in our opinion.  Further, Aotearoa New Zealand’s international reputation and brand will be at risk if we fail to adopt budgets and policies consistent with doing our fair share to keep global warming to less than 1.5° Celsius.

  • The methods for accounting for Aotearoa New Zealand’s emissions and presentation chosen by the Commission have the effect of obscuring our lack of progress to date and of making the budgets appear more ambitious than they really are.

  • The Commission’s recommendation that Aotearoa New Zealand should use offshore mitigation to bridge the gap between our Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) under the Paris Agreement and our domestic emissions reductions, is, in our view, at odds with the Act and with the Paris Agreement itself.  It would leave Aotearoa New Zealand exposed to international criticism and a high level of uncertainty about the cost and availability of international credits.

We urge members to make individual submissions to help persuade and influence the CCC to set emissions budgets and an emissions reduction strategy consistent with doing our fair share to keep global warming to less than 1.5° Celsius. Click here to go to the Commission website to make a submission. The closing date for submissions is 28 March 2021.

All Aboard!

As part of the All Aboard coalition for decarbonisation of Auckland transport, LCANZI is closely following developments in this area.  We were shocked by the 12 March announcement of a $31 billion investment programme for Auckland transport that would result in Auckland’s transport emissions increasing by 6% by 2030.  Click here to see the All Aboard press release responding to the announcement.

All Aboard has now formed an incorporated society and has legal action planned.  More news very soon! 

LCANZI is seeking a volunteer to have an ongoing role in the All Aboard campaign as LCANZI’s liaison person with other members of the coalition, and to assist with press releases, submissions etc.  This is an opportunity to work with All Aboard partners including Generation Zero, Greenpeace, Bike Auckland and other climate and transport activist groups at the cutting edge of emissions reduction.  No previous transport expertise is required, but interest, enthusiasm and reliability are essential.  The time commitment is estimated at around 3-4 hours a week.  If this sounds like you, please get in touch with Emily Moon, our new pro bono coordinator.

Changes within LCANZI

Sophie Gladwell is stepping down from the LCANZI Committee.  Thank you Sophie for your contributions over the last two years, especially setting up the website and members’ platform. 

We welcome Sophie Meares to the Committee.  Sophie has already set up the Twitter account (@lawforclimateNZ) and is updating the website and social media platforms.

Also welcome to Emily Moon who has taken on the pro bono coordinator role.

Thank you…

To those members who have responded to our request and made donations and/or paid subs.  We are not yet in a position to employ an administrator but the funds received so far mean that we can engage someone on a short-term contract basis in the interim to help us get better systems in place.

There is always more that could be done and further donations remain extremely welcome.

Ngā mihi
The LCANZI Committee


LCANZI Newsletter - May 2021


LCANZI Newsletter - February 2021