Kick-starting the transition in New Zealand – the role of corporate governance in the transition to a low-carbon economy
The Corporate Governance subcommittee of LCANZI convened a panel of multidisciplinary experts to discuss the barriers, opportunities and levers business may have to transition New Zealand to a low-carbon economy.
Submission on the proposed changes to NZ ETS limit and price control settings for units
LCANZI submitted on the 'Proposed changes to NZ ETS limit and price control settings for units 2022' on 6 October 2022.
Z Energy to face Commerce Commission complaint for greenwashing
Lawyers For Climate Action NZ Inc (LCANZI) has made a complaint against Z Energy to the Commerce Commission for greenwashing in its Moving With the Times campaign in which the petrol retailer claims it is “getting out of the petrol business” and positions itself as part of the transition away from fossil fuels.
All Aboard Aotearoa appeals JR decision
An appeal has been lodged against the High Court’s decision that Auckland’s transport plan is lawful despite not reducing emissions.
A guide to climate change related obligations of local government authorities
The LCANZI local government subcommittee led by Michael Sharp have written a helpful guide explaining the climate change related obligations of local government authorities.
Submission on XRB strategy and metrics consultation document
On Monday 2 May, LCANZI’s financial disclosures sub-committee made a submission to the External Reporting Board (XRB) in relation to the Climate-related Disclosures Strategy and Metrics and Targets Consultation Document.
All Aboard Aotearoa Judicial Review begins today
LCANZI is proud to be part of All Aboard Aotearoa, a coalition of climate and transport advocates who are judicially reviewing Auckland Transport and Auckland City Council over their Regional Land Transport Plan. The challenge was heard today in the Auckland High Court, and will continue for another two days.
Submission on managing exotic afforestation incentives
On 22 April 2022, Lawyers for Climate Action NZ Inc (LCANZI) made a submission responding to the Government’s discussion document Managing Exotic Afforestation Incentives
LCANZI challenge to Climate Change Commission advice starts today
Today, Monday 28 February 2022, LCANZI’s judicial review of the Climate Change Commission’s advice to the Minister of Climate Change, and the Minister’s subsequent decision to amend Aotearoa New Zealand’s nationally determined contribution under the Paris Agreement, will commence in the High Court in Wellington. The hearing is expected to run until the end of Friday 3 March 2022.
Submission to NZX on corporate governance code
On 28 January 2022 LCANZI made a submission to the New Zealand Stock Exchange (NZX) on their Corporate Governance Code Review.
LCANZI supports the Professional Bodies Climate Action Charter
This month LCANZI became a supporter of the Professional Bodies Climate Action Charter (PBCAC) which debuted at COP26.
Emissions Reduction Plan Submission
On 24 November LCANZI made a submission to the Ministry for the Environment on the Emissions Reduction Plan (ERP) discussion document
Submission to XRB on Climate-related disclosures
On 22 November 2021 LCANZI made a submission to the External Reporting Board (XRB) on the Climate-related Disclosures Governance and Risk Management Consultation Document.
Press release: LCANZI calls government to better fund FMA's climate role
On 5 November 2021, Lawyers for Climate Action New Zealand Inc (LCANZI) made its submission to the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment (MBIE) in response to MBIE’s consultation on funding options for the Financial Markets Authority (FMA) in relation to its responsibilities under the new climate-related disclosures (CRD) regime
Press release: Statement of Claim Amendment - Climate Change Commission Judicial Review
Yesterday LCANZI filed an amended Statement of Claim in its judicial review proceedings against the Commission and the Minister for Climate Change to also challenge the new NDC to the extent it relies on the Commission’s NDC advice.
The Directors Duties Member's Bill – another distraction from real climate action?
The impacts of climate change are accelerating rapidly and visibly and the sense of urgency from society to take action is mounting. It is clear that a sustainable future for humans requires immediate and large-scale emissions reductions and that corporations must play a pivotal role in transitioning to a low-emissions economy. This has led to increasing societal pressure on businesses to act in a responsible manner and reduce their emissions.
Press release: Creative accounting makes NDC look better than it is
The Government has today announced a new NDC for our 2030 net emissions to be 50 percent below 2005 gross emissions. A 50 percent reduction sounds good, and it is a significant improvement on our current NDC. But it is not as good as it sounds.
Press release: Emissions Reduction Plan Consultation
Lawyers for Climate Action NZ Inc. (LCANZI) says the discussion document on the government’s emissions reduction plan (ERP), published today for consultation, proposes only modest emissions reductions that fall far short of New Zealand’s obligations under the Paris Agreement and is lacking in specifics about how some of those emissions reductions will actually be achieved.