Annual General Meeting / Auckland Launch - 5.30pm, Thursday 6 August 2020

We are inviting all our members and associate members (and any one who is interesting in joining LCANZI) to join us as we attend to AGM business and celebrate the first year of LCANZI’s operations.

5.30pm, Thursday 6 August 2020 | Ellen Melville Centre, 2 Freyberg Place, Auckland

Here is the link to your invitation.

We recognise that many of you will not be able to attend the AGM in person. You can access a live stream of the event here. If you are a member, you will also be able to vote on resolutions.

There will be short presentations from the LCANZI President (Jenny Cooper) and it’s treasurer (James Every-Palmer) as well as a presentation from our guest speaker, Dr Paul Winton from the 1point5 Project.  It will also be a great opportunity to meet and catch up with other members.  



Paul Winton Presentation (1point5 Project) | AGM 2020


Read our submission on COVID-19 Recovery (Fast-track Consenting) Bill 2020